The Lived Experience
The lived experience podcast is about sharing real people's stories of lived experiences on a large range of mental health topics.
As a child of a single mother with BiPolar, I wanted to create interviews that would fill the content gap around this subject and lesser-known issues that are covered in the current mental health awareness movement.
Mental health awareness and advocacy go far beyond depression and anxiety. I hope these discussions shine a lot on issues you may not be aware of or even inform you that you are not alone.
Learn more at www.livedexperiencepodcast.com
The Lived Experience
Interview with Peter Wasielewski from the UK on beating addiction, mental illness and using his lived experience to help those in the criminal justice system
Peter Wasielewski reached out to share his story about addiction, his mental health battle, and a different way to view recovery. Peter also uses his lived experience within the criminal justice system in the UK to help others with similar issues he has faced and beaten.
He documents his experience on his Instagram account @ambitiousprofessionalshub
Big thanks to Peter for reaching out and sharing his story.
Visit the website www.livedexperiencepodcast.com
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